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Enchanted Celebrations


Phone (888) 268-7420
Address 200 Broadhollow Rd Suite 207 - #7223, Melville, NY 11747,
Melville, NY 11747 United States


Formed in 2006, Enchanted Celebrations takes pride on being a relationship, team-oriented based family. We specialize in weddings across NJ, NYC metro area, Long Island, PA, DE, MD, CT, RI, and DC. With our meticulous attention to detail, it is no surprise that we are rated a 4.9 or greater out of a 5.0 scale on all popular rating websites. Acclaimed for excellence and unparalleled levels of customer service, we successfully complete over 650 weddings comprising of over 1,500 individual services annually. Offering free, no obligation in home consultations 7 days a week from 9 am - 9 pm as well as local staff throughout your service area.

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